The Business Plan Or Idea
According to Mischelle Watkins : What goes in it? she says that No one business plan is truly better than another, although there is general agreement in the industry about what makes a business plan easier to read, therefore easier to defend. Here are my thoughts on an effective business plan. Visit for more info Business Powerpoint Templates , Business Plan Powerpoint Template
A. A Business Plan includes these - list each section in your table of contents
Aa. A Description of your business:- Please use your words effectively( so that the audience will be impressed ). There is nothing worse than 150 pages of fluff and 5 pages of real content. The method of if you can not dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with B/S doesn't work here. You are not talking to stupid people when it comes to business plans. Never assume they can be fooled. You are not that smart. Nobody is.
Ab. Marketing : The methods you intend to use or already are using and what has worked well in the past "proven results are ALWAYS a win-win". Online research is perfect for this!
Ac. Competition - Who is YOUR competition and how are you going to manage to take a significant portion of the market share of your niche? Grandstanding is not allowed. Do not boast about anything here other than PROVEN results. If you do then you risk losing respect and end up looking like an dummy opportunist.
Note: Powerpoint Templates help you to grow your Business
Ad. Operating procedures : What type of an office do you intend to operate, and how will you operate it? Do you have office space or are you looking for something to rent/buy?. If you are looking then when you go out take your camera and have 3-4 sites documented : with address and map information "PowerPoint presentations have excellent formats to create this type of document-with eye appeal".
Ae. Personnel : You do not need a list of everyone down to the janitor "unless you are creating a business plan for a janitorial service", but you will need a list and resume of the main corporate structure beginning with the president down to the secretary, a listing of a board of directors if you have one [3-5 is a good amount to begin with]. List your advisors here too, like your CPA, Business Advisor, attorney, and other professionals that you use regularly - they may be your Board of Directors.
Af. Business insurance : As a book keeper I carry a 2 million insurance bond on myself. That is a lot, but I would include my insurance paper work in this section to prove my integrity.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3901039