There are the following methods for pollinating flower by hand.
Method 1
Identify the male and female flower.
The male flower has a plain stem under the flower.
The female flower has a tiny vegetable under the flower.
Gently cut the male flower off of the plant, leave flower intact if possible.
Cut the petals off the male flower.
Do not touch the stamen on the male flower with your fingers.
Locate a fresh female flower with the petals pushed back.
Gently touch the stamen from the male flower to the stigma on the female flower.
Roll the stamen from the male flower back and forth on the stigma of the Female flower.

Method 2
Buy a little watercolor paintbrush or utilization cotton swabs.
The brush or swabs should be perfect and dry.
Fertilize at a young hour in the morning and in dry conditions.
Recognize the male and female blossom.
Vegetable plants will have more male blossoms than female blooms.
Utilize the brush or swab to tenderly twirl around the stamen of the male bloom.
Painstakingly twirl the dust gathered on the brush onto the disgrace of the female blossom.
Touch all surfaces around the center of the female blossom.
Gather dust from various male blooms for every female blossom on the plant.
This power point presentation pollinating plants by hands also gives a review about plant. This Pollinating plants by hands power point templates consist satisfactory background and themes are easily to share over the web. Downloading these templates is no issue as they are available on the web and takes no time to exchange. This ppt is compatible with all devices available in the market.
Method 1
Identify the male and female flower.
The male flower has a plain stem under the flower.
The female flower has a tiny vegetable under the flower.
Gently cut the male flower off of the plant, leave flower intact if possible.
Cut the petals off the male flower.
Do not touch the stamen on the male flower with your fingers.
Locate a fresh female flower with the petals pushed back.
Gently touch the stamen from the male flower to the stigma on the female flower.
Roll the stamen from the male flower back and forth on the stigma of the Female flower.

Method 2
Buy a little watercolor paintbrush or utilization cotton swabs.
The brush or swabs should be perfect and dry.
Fertilize at a young hour in the morning and in dry conditions.
Recognize the male and female blossom.
Vegetable plants will have more male blossoms than female blooms.
Utilize the brush or swab to tenderly twirl around the stamen of the male bloom.
Painstakingly twirl the dust gathered on the brush onto the disgrace of the female blossom.
Touch all surfaces around the center of the female blossom.
Gather dust from various male blooms for every female blossom on the plant.
This power point presentation pollinating plants by hands also gives a review about plant. This Pollinating plants by hands power point templates consist satisfactory background and themes are easily to share over the web. Downloading these templates is no issue as they are available on the web and takes no time to exchange. This ppt is compatible with all devices available in the market.